Date added: 4.4.2021
913 117
Western Front, December 1941. For over three months the Allies have been slogging away trying to puncture Hitlers dreaded Westwall into the Reich. But to no avail. Now, with casualties running into hundreds of thousands, Supreme Commander US GeneralMoreWestern Front, December 1941. For over three months the Allies have been slogging away trying to puncture Hitlers dreaded Westwall into the Reich. But to no avail. Now, with casualties running into hundreds of thousands, Supreme Commander US General Eisenhower is no further forward than he was the previous September.With Washington breathing down his neck for a breakthrough, Ike hits on a cunning plan: he will lure the Germans out of their fortifications in the Ardennes by allowing them to attack a purposely thin front. Then, using his most fearless general, Old Blood an Guts Patton, commander of the 3rd US Army to slam into the Germans left flank, he will cut them off. With the enemy decimated the Allies can finally break in to the Reich for victory.But there are dark forces at work on both sides to thwart the Westwall offensive -- and General Patton is an obvious target for elimination... Pattons Wall by Leo Kessler